Football Club Notes – 17/10/2011


Under 21 Football

Training for all members of the Under 21 panel continues.  All players are asked to stay in contact with management for training arrangements and upcoming fixtures.

Scor na nOg

The club is looking anyone interested in participating in Scor na nOg to contact Cultural Officer Seamus Donnelly on 07717442044.

An Eaglais le Cheile

Can anyone with outstanding contributions for 2011 to An Eaglais le Cheile contact Club Treasurer Liz Daly.

Club Lotto

The Lotto result for Monday 10th October is as follows: winning numbers were 10, 13, 16 and 20.  There was one ‘Match 3’ winner: Nicola Gildernew.  Lotto Jackpot for Monday 17th October is £3,650.

Club Gear

Anyone wishing to purchase new club gear before Christmas should contact Liz Daly (02837548692).

Tyrone Hurling Forum

Tyrone County GAA Board is organizing a Hurling Forum on Monday 17th October at Killyclogher Clubrooms at 7.15pm.  The forum will include 1.) Review of 2010 hurling forum summary.  Identify what was achieved and what failed in 2011. 2.) Workshops –  address issues identified in part one of forum. 3.) Summary of workshop proposals.  They Tyrone County GAA Board would encourage anyone interested to come along to attend.


The club extends its sympathy to the McLaughlin family (Drumragh) on their recent bereavement.

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