The Annual Bingo Bazaar will take place in the Parochial Hall this Friday, 9 November, at 8pm. Lots of prizes to be won and the annual raffle will also take place.
Camogie Courses
The Tyrone Camogie Board are holding a referee’s foundation course on Saturday 17 November in Eglish from 9.30am – 4pm. Participants should bring a pen and notepad to take notes on content covered. Examination at finish of day. The workshop will be run free of charge. The workshop is open for current referees in particular but it is also to encourage new whistlers.
Ulster Camogie is hosting Strength & Conditioning for Camogie Workshop in St. Ciaran’s, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone on Saturday 1 of December from 11am – 2pm. The workshop is open for coaches in particular but players are also welcome.
Tyrone Awards
The awards will take place on 30 November and well done to two of our camogs and also Martin Mohan. Congratulations to Niamh McNulty who has been nominated for Young Camogie Player of the year, Julie Lagan who has been nominated for senior camogie player of the year. Also Martin Mohan nominated for referee of the year. These are prestigious awards so get voting for all three Eglish nominees.
Eglish Camogie Training Gear
Anyone interested in purchasing an underage or adult O’Neill’s pink Eglish camogie jersey should contact Leona Gallagher as soon as possible for an order. Also helmets can be ordered for underage members; these would make ideal Christmas presents, anyone interested should contact Leona Gallagher.