Reminder, registration for the coming year is now due and should be paid as soon as possible. Seniors – £30, Students/Non-playing members – £25, U18 – £15. Family concession of £15 for first playing member and £10 for each member thereafter. The club will be holding a registration morning on Sunday 24th March.
The annual Camogie Concert will take place on Friday 22nd March.
Senior training continues Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6.15pm. All minors are encouraged to attend. Please let Barry Fay know if you can’t be there – 07702877233
Post Primary training begins on Monday, from 5.45pm – 6.45pm.
All other underage training will begin shortly – details to follow in the coming weeks.
Anyone who has registered for the coaching course, it takes place this Saturday, 9th March, in Derrytresk from 9.30am – 4pm, with tutors Gerard Gribben & Marie Greenan.
Child Protection (Awareness) course on Thursday 14th March, reg 6.30pm, start 7.00pm – finish 10.00pm. Cost £5.00. Anyone wanting to attend please confirm booking by either E: or M: 07716 500 141.
Finally, Eglish GAC invite everyone to the Official Launch of River Bank Dance Festival on Saturday 9th March in the Sports Hall at 9pm with Disco/Bar. This will give us an opportunity to meet the dancers for Strictly Come Dancing with the Camogie Club being well represented by our very own camog dancer and also the husband of a camog! All support is appreciated for what should be a very enjoyable and memorable weekend.