Football Club Notes

River Bank Dance Festival

Tickets for Derek Ryan and Nathan Carter are available from; Gene Stuart’s Dungannon (028 8772 5286), CPS Cookstown (028 8676 2946), Cuba Clothing Omagh (028 8225 1211), Streaks Ahead Armagh (028 3752 7328).

Club Membership

This week is the last opportunity to pay club membership. Membership costs are as follows: Adults £30; Senior Citizens £10; Student £10; Youth £10. Membership can be paid in the Sports Hall following Sunday morning mass.

Gym Circuits

Male and female circuits are being held in the Sports Hall Gym every Wednesday evening (7.30 – 8.40pm) and Saturday morning (9.00 – 10.00am). Everyone is welcome.

Jiving Classes

Jiving classes are taking place on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm in the Sports Hall for the next number of weeks. Everyone welcome.

Club Lotto

The Lotto No’s for Monday 18 March were 2,15,17,20. There were two match 3 winners;  Bernie McCann and Kevin Mallon

The next Lotto draw will be held on Monday 25 March, Jackpot is £7100

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