Youth Registration and Gumshields
All parents are reminded that club membership is now due for 2013. Adults £30; Senior Citizens £10; Students £10; Youth £10. Youth registration forms can be filled in and membership paid at the main hall in Eglish on Sundays between 11:30am and 12:00 until the end of March. On receipt of membership fee youth players will be provided with a boil and bite gum shield. Please see the Eglish or Tyrone GAA websites for more detail on the new rule which require all youth players to wear gum shields at coaching sessions and matches from January 1st 2013.
Gaelic Start Programme
The Gaelic Start programme is already up and running for 4 to 9 year olds on Mondays at the same time (6:45pm). The final session will be on Monday, February 25th. Please note that at least one parent/guardian must attend with their child/children as advised by the Tyrone County Board.
Under 8 and Under 10 Football
Coaching for these age groups recommences this Sunday, February 3rd from 12:15 to 1:15pm at the main hall Eglish. It will run for five weeks till March 10th. Players should bring a water bottle, football boots and trainers as well as tracksuit bottoms. Weather permitting some training will be held outside.