Camogie Club Notes

Senior Camogie

The seniors travelled to Ballinderry last Friday night in the Derry League and after a tough battle, secured a much deserved win. Final score 3-09 ; 2-08.

This Wednesday, they play Slaughtneil at home on Wednesday night at 7.15pm. All support welcome.

Post Primary

The post primary league continues next Monday 20th May when the girls are at home to Dungannon. Time of game to be confirmed. Full details will be given to the players at training on Saturday morning.

Youth Training

Minor and U16 training continues on Tuesdays, 6pm – 7.15pm.

U14 and Post Primary training continues on Saturdays, 10am – 11.30am.

Tiny Tots training continues this Saturday, 10am – 11.45am. Any parents that can stay to help would be greatly appreciated.

Please note – there will be no underage training on Saturday 18th May because of First Holy Communion in the Parish.

Go Games

The second Go-Games Blitz takes place on Saturday 25th May – further details soon.

Young Camogs Entertain Crowd at Half Time

Congratulations to the U8 and U10 girls who entertained the large crowd at half time during the ACL senior men’s football match in Eglish on Sunday afternoon. The girls put on a terrific display of Camogie and should be very proud of themselves. Many thanks to all those who helped out.

Slieve Donard Climb

In association with the Tyrone Camogie County Board, a number of camogs are taking on the challenge to climb Slieve Donard on 8th June to raise much needed funds for the County and Club. If anyone is interested in taking this challenge on, please give your name Ursula.

River Bank Dance Festival

With less than 2weeks to go, the excitement is rising around Eglish for what is set to be an epic festival weekend. Some tickets are still available for both Derek Ryan, (Friday night) and Nathan Carter (Sunday night), but it is advisable to get them soon. Tickets are available from the following outlets; Gene Stuart’s Dungannon, Cuba Clothing Dungannon/Omagh, Streaks Ahead Armagh, CPS Cookstown, Leo Quinns Ballygawley, McCanns shop Eglish, Dalys shop Eglish, Scissors Sisters Eglish and Milan At Moy. A weekend ticket is available in McCanns and Dalys shop priced at £40.

On the Saturday night, our very own senior camog Frankie Bigley will take to the stage along with her dance partner Joey Jordan and nine other local couples in a bid to entertain the crowds and dance her way to be crowned winner of “Come Dancing Eglish Style”. This is set to be a fantastic night and one certainly not to be missed! Doors open 8pm, show starts at 9pm. Adm. £20.

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